Andrew Sirianni

When starting DCODE GROUP, I was attempting to explain to a colleague what we were planning to do for our clients. One word seemed to come out over-and-over: systemise. As IT consultants, we're looking to systemise business processes so that tasks that can be defined can be replicated using technology. In this case, we hope to enable businesses to output more based on their current resources and hence to be more productive and profitable.

Arrange according to an organized system; make systematic.

In my experiences in business to date, I have found that many are built on business processes. Tasks that have been designed and developed over the years to provide customers with a service or product at which the business possesses expertise.

Many of these tasks have been developed over time and now have implicit synergies and efficiencies built into them. However further efficiency and effectiveness can be achieved by using technology to automate the processes.

Technology can be used to reproduce many tasks in business and, as a result, can allow the business (at the same level of resources) to produce a greater level of output. The application of technology to business processes is especially useful when processes and procedures are clearly defined in the business. In these instances, mapping technology to replicate the process can be a simple task.

As well as providing the means to completing the work, technology can also provide an added benefit - data. The data maintained by systems in completing processes makes it easier to review processes as well as harness aggregate data to provide more meaningful information to both the business and the wider industry!

If you're currently using paper-based files, Excel templates or Access Databases in your business, you have a lot to gain by looking to systematize your business processes with technology. More scalable solutions can be of greater use in your business and also allow concurrent access of technology. And the result will be greater efficiency and the availability of data for collation/review.

At DCODE GROUP, our specialty is in analysing your business processes and then looking to apply technology to help facilitate your business outcomes - whether that be through off-the-shelf solutions or through custom-built solutions. So if you're looking to systematize your business, Contact Us for more information.


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