Andrew Sirianni

A website helps you present your business to an online audience, so it is vital that you ensure that your online position represents the same level of professionalism as you do in your day-to-day activities. One of the key ways to do this is to spell check your website.

It may sound like a simple process, but it's amazing how often this can be overlooked. Before you look to launch (or re-launch) your website, ensure that you take a moment to proof read the site for spelling and grammar errors.

A quick and easy way to do this is to copy and paste your website content into something like Microsoft Word and then allow this program to proof read your document with a spelling/grammar check. You can then modify your content on your website as required.

A spelling/grammar check is a great way to ensure that readers can interpret your website with ease, while at the same time assisting in maintaining a professional image for your business. And in addition, correct spelling will also assist your website's Search Engine Ranking.

So if you have a website, take a moment to review the content and check the spelling/grammar. Whether or not the content is new, you may be surprised at what you find!

If you need assistance in testing your website before it goes live, contact us for more information. We have a range of tools available to test websites before they are launched and can help ensure your website is ready for launch.


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